Tuesday, January 12, 2010

[Ambush at the Baron of Mutton!]

When we last left our heroes, they had just made the journey from Thurmaster to Milbourne in preparation for the long journey to Daerlun to hand over the Cyric priestess Shileck to Thawna at the temple of Selune.

The party arrives at the Baron of Mutton at approximately 7:30PM. Tired and weary from the days travels, the party settles in for dinner. The party is just chilling out when another visitor comes through the door. It's Burnasis. Rosencrantz and Rowyn remember him from their Tilverton adventuring days and ask if he wants to join the party in its latest exploits. He readily agrees and buys the heroes a round of ales. Not 5 minutes later, Vance comes walking through the door. Immediately coming up to the partys table, he informs us that he's been at Count Palfrey's training soldiers. Tauster is also going to be holing up at Palfrey's for the foreseeable future, hopefully reducing the risk of orcs raiding Thurmaster again.

At approximately 11PM, Rosencrantz and Aurien are upstairs keeping an eye on Shileck. The remaining members of the party are downstairs decompressing. While the party is wrapping up their last drinks and before they prepare for bed, suddenly, there is a rather large crash at the front door. The group wheels around to see orcs storming into the inn! Ambush! In a brazen attack the orcs storm the inn as the party draws its weapons.

The group immediately gets into battle mode.

A total of 7 orcs storm the downstairs level of the inn. 2 surround Nanoc. 2 surround Vance. The remaining 3 fan out to attack the remaining members of the group. While the party attempts to dispatch the vile swine that are orcs, 2 more enter the inn and head directly upstairs toward Shileck, Aurien, and Rosencrantz. The group notices that the 2 orcs had nets in their hands.... Trouble is afoot!

The group settles into it's battle routine quite lovely. Rowyn is using her daggers, Vance and Nanoc both are using their bastard swords. [M]Erlan his moons hand, Burnasis his daggers.

Meanwhile.... [Upstairs]
Rosencrantz and Aurien hears boots thudding up the inns staircase. Suddenly, they hear someone or something kicking open doors. Without warning, Aurien attempts to brace the door when a booted foot kicks the door in! Rosencrantz immediately casts shield. The two orcs with nets are attempting another kidnapping! One of the orcs, seeming bigger than the run-of-the-mill orcs the group is accustomed to sees Shileck and his eyes grow wide. The orcs step into the room and are preparing to throw their nets at Rosencrantz. He immediately casts mirror image and a second image of Rosencrantz appears. Unluckily, both orcs throw the nets at the real Rosencrantz. In a stroke of luck though, both miss. Aurien immediately casts hold person on one of the orcs, catching Shileck in it's grips as well. With one of the orcs held, Rosencrantz casts magic missile as 2 arrows materialize out of no where and hit the unheld orc in the chest. Aurien then casts light on the second orc. Pulling it's short sword, the orc attempts to attack, but is now blinded. [Ha! Ha!] Rosencrantz and Aurien then quickly dispose of the would-be kidnappers while the remaining members of the party are still fighting downstairs.

Meanwhile.... [Downstairs]
The remainder of the party are still fighting with the orcs. [I forgot to mention they all had the same emblem on their shields as the orcs that have ambushed us previously] After a bit of time, the heroes have slain all the orcs with little to no damage taken. [Yeah, we're badass]

After the nights "festivities have concluded," the heroes retire to the hostel room [Aurien to Darius Carmens] at the inn and settle in for bed. The night passes without incident.

The following morning, the group has its lackluster breakfast and begins readying its things for the long journey to Daerlun. The group heads over to Naftans to pick up Grrr and meet up with Aurien who just came from his BFF's, Darius Carmen. The heroes pick up the 2 horses they have brought along with them; Gildenstern and Anonymous. The party makes its way to Daerlun.

The group arrives in Daerlun without incident and immediately head right to the temple of Selune for an audience with Thawna. Aurien asks for and is granted an audience with Thawna. After some time the heroes are brought into a room where Thawna is seated. Long story short, the prisoner, Shileck, is turned over to Thawna and the temple of Selune. The group is to be compensated, check your rooms... Aurien has a spell cast on him by a priestess. He feels no different. Also, a dinner is being held in our honor that night. The group disperses until dinner later that night....

Thawna and the temple of Selune hold a dinner/celebration in honor of the "half day heroes." The temple of Selune and Thawna thank the group for their efforts [750 XP woo hoo] and asks if we can investigate the kidnappings further. Aurien and the party agree.

The party then retires to its quarters for the night.

The following day, Dresdin, Nanoc, and Rowyn train.

[M]Erlan decides to travel to Yohn to train. Burnasis decides to go along with him for the trip. They both board a traveling caravan and make it to Yohn.....


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