Tuesday, January 12, 2010

[Ambush at the Baron of Mutton!]

When we last left our heroes, they had just made the journey from Thurmaster to Milbourne in preparation for the long journey to Daerlun to hand over the Cyric priestess Shileck to Thawna at the temple of Selune.

The party arrives at the Baron of Mutton at approximately 7:30PM. Tired and weary from the days travels, the party settles in for dinner. The party is just chilling out when another visitor comes through the door. It's Burnasis. Rosencrantz and Rowyn remember him from their Tilverton adventuring days and ask if he wants to join the party in its latest exploits. He readily agrees and buys the heroes a round of ales. Not 5 minutes later, Vance comes walking through the door. Immediately coming up to the partys table, he informs us that he's been at Count Palfrey's training soldiers. Tauster is also going to be holing up at Palfrey's for the foreseeable future, hopefully reducing the risk of orcs raiding Thurmaster again.

At approximately 11PM, Rosencrantz and Aurien are upstairs keeping an eye on Shileck. The remaining members of the party are downstairs decompressing. While the party is wrapping up their last drinks and before they prepare for bed, suddenly, there is a rather large crash at the front door. The group wheels around to see orcs storming into the inn! Ambush! In a brazen attack the orcs storm the inn as the party draws its weapons.

The group immediately gets into battle mode.

A total of 7 orcs storm the downstairs level of the inn. 2 surround Nanoc. 2 surround Vance. The remaining 3 fan out to attack the remaining members of the group. While the party attempts to dispatch the vile swine that are orcs, 2 more enter the inn and head directly upstairs toward Shileck, Aurien, and Rosencrantz. The group notices that the 2 orcs had nets in their hands.... Trouble is afoot!

The group settles into it's battle routine quite lovely. Rowyn is using her daggers, Vance and Nanoc both are using their bastard swords. [M]Erlan his moons hand, Burnasis his daggers.

Meanwhile.... [Upstairs]
Rosencrantz and Aurien hears boots thudding up the inns staircase. Suddenly, they hear someone or something kicking open doors. Without warning, Aurien attempts to brace the door when a booted foot kicks the door in! Rosencrantz immediately casts shield. The two orcs with nets are attempting another kidnapping! One of the orcs, seeming bigger than the run-of-the-mill orcs the group is accustomed to sees Shileck and his eyes grow wide. The orcs step into the room and are preparing to throw their nets at Rosencrantz. He immediately casts mirror image and a second image of Rosencrantz appears. Unluckily, both orcs throw the nets at the real Rosencrantz. In a stroke of luck though, both miss. Aurien immediately casts hold person on one of the orcs, catching Shileck in it's grips as well. With one of the orcs held, Rosencrantz casts magic missile as 2 arrows materialize out of no where and hit the unheld orc in the chest. Aurien then casts light on the second orc. Pulling it's short sword, the orc attempts to attack, but is now blinded. [Ha! Ha!] Rosencrantz and Aurien then quickly dispose of the would-be kidnappers while the remaining members of the party are still fighting downstairs.

Meanwhile.... [Downstairs]
The remainder of the party are still fighting with the orcs. [I forgot to mention they all had the same emblem on their shields as the orcs that have ambushed us previously] After a bit of time, the heroes have slain all the orcs with little to no damage taken. [Yeah, we're badass]

After the nights "festivities have concluded," the heroes retire to the hostel room [Aurien to Darius Carmens] at the inn and settle in for bed. The night passes without incident.

The following morning, the group has its lackluster breakfast and begins readying its things for the long journey to Daerlun. The group heads over to Naftans to pick up Grrr and meet up with Aurien who just came from his BFF's, Darius Carmen. The heroes pick up the 2 horses they have brought along with them; Gildenstern and Anonymous. The party makes its way to Daerlun.

The group arrives in Daerlun without incident and immediately head right to the temple of Selune for an audience with Thawna. Aurien asks for and is granted an audience with Thawna. After some time the heroes are brought into a room where Thawna is seated. Long story short, the prisoner, Shileck, is turned over to Thawna and the temple of Selune. The group is to be compensated, check your rooms... Aurien has a spell cast on him by a priestess. He feels no different. Also, a dinner is being held in our honor that night. The group disperses until dinner later that night....

Thawna and the temple of Selune hold a dinner/celebration in honor of the "half day heroes." The temple of Selune and Thawna thank the group for their efforts [750 XP woo hoo] and asks if we can investigate the kidnappings further. Aurien and the party agree.

The party then retires to its quarters for the night.

The following day, Dresdin, Nanoc, and Rowyn train.

[M]Erlan decides to travel to Yohn to train. Burnasis decides to go along with him for the trip. They both board a traveling caravan and make it to Yohn.....


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

[The Honeymoon is Over]

When we last left our heroes Tauster had just attempted a dispel magic in an attempt to ward off any magic spell that may be controlling Shileck's mind. Satisfied even though it didn't work, the party decides that it will head to the bi-weekly rendezvous with Enzeldrin, queen of the mire. The group gathers up its things and begins the long arduous trek through the mire to the cave entrance.

While trudging through the swampy mess, the group hears something ahead. It's a spotted toad. The heroes engage the enemy, attempting to slay the creature before he potentially poisons someone. In the middle of trying to dispatch the lone toad, another toad comes lunging toward the group as well. The toads get their faces beat in. No one finds out if they were poisonous.

After some more travel, out of the brush comes a gigantic 15 foot lizard. Drawing their weapons again, the heroes move into attack positions. The lizard is smited with no issue. The party continues on. While walking through the slop in the mire, 2 more toads appear out of nowhere. [See a pattern here? Thanks Bill...]

Again, the party takes up attack positions. One toad lunges at Dresdin and claws him along his chest. He manages to swat the toad off his torso, immediately starting to feel ill as the poison starts its surge through his body. Erlan immediately comes to assist Dresdin and using his awesome awesomeness he heals Dresdin so he's no longer poisoned. There must be some kind of nest around here.

As sunset approaches, the group decides to make camp for the coming night. Watches are set and the night starts out uneventfully. Then, during third watch, Nanoc hears something near camp. Diving out from the brush is another 15 foot lizard. Drawing his 2-handed sword Nanoc obliterates the creature with one swoop. Watch is then uneventful and quiet until first light.

The priests and lone wizard get their spells for the day. Simulation Alpha. Moons. Yada. Yada. Yada. The rest of the party readies their things for the last leg of the journey into the mire. After some travel, the group arrives at Enzeldrins cave entrance with prisoner in tow. Not wanting to offend or piss off the queen, only Rosencrantz and Aurien head into her lair. The remaining members of the party wait at the cave entrance. After some time, both Rosencrantz and Aurien return from their meeting. Long story short - Enzeldrin has a communication scroll which enables us to not come back here... Like EVER. Aurien also gave her the magic +1 footmans mace. Just to reiterate, we never, ever.... ever, ever, ever have to come back here again. [Thankfully]

Moving on...

The party slops through the mire until sunset and make camp. Watches go uneventfully for the entire night. [Luckily] The following morning the party finishes the last leg of the Enzeldrin tour.... However, upon coming up to Thurmaster, the heroes notice something is wrong.... The upper levels of Tausters tower is completely smashed and charred. Coming up and around to the gates, the party finds out from the town guard that orcs attempted to kidnap Tauster and he killed them [And his tower] with a fireball. Asking around town the party finds out that Tauster is currently at Count Palfreys.

With everyone [Almost] ready to train, and with Shileck in tow, the party decides to head for Daerlun by way of Milbourne.

On the way to Milbourne and as its getting dark, the group sees 4 human shaped figures approximately 100 yards ahead. Nanoc goes to confront the group as Erlan casts a light spell on them. The shapes immediately turn and begin running like track stars. [That's right] In the light, the party could see they were farmers. Nanoc gets them to return. They're poaching trees. We're not going green because its trendy, so we don't care. Poach on.

The following mornning while coming close to Milbourne, the party runs into two men fishing. They tell of seeing orcs when they were off fishing one night. [Yes we know about the orcs already...] The half day heroes enter Milbourne. Go to the Baron of Mutton[?]. Stock up on supplies for the trip. Turns out no shipments are coming as they normally have. It's been a week and they usually come every 3 days. [Wah.]

We then go to Naftans, leave all but 2 horses there - Gildenstern and Anonymous. Pick up Grrr. And we're ready for what adventures befall us on our way to Daerlun........

Sunday, November 29, 2009

[The Interrogator]

Before I start the write up, let me preface it with a huge kudos to Aurien for an amazing interrogation. The situation was handled well and we clearly have more information than previously going in. Great job.

When we last left the half-day heroes, they had just captured the evil Cyric priest Shileck in the Garelstone mines. Stripped almost naked and tied up, the heroes had brought her for safe keeping to the local constable, Gayrold's house, in Milbourne.

The party sets up shop and sets itself up so that Aurien and Rosencrantz can interrogate Shileck - with Nanoc standing in the back in case she gets free and the rest of the party splintered throughout the room. The ultimate plan is to have Rosy ask the questions while Aurien "probes" Shileck's mind. Nanoc starts unraveling the "turban" which has been over Shileck's head since her capture, however, he leaves her eyes blind folded. The interrogation is about to begin......

The heroes, having took so long to actually get the priorities in order, gave Shileck the impression that the group had not the faintest idea on what we were going to do with her. She laughs mockingly at the half day heroes.

"You don't even know what you're going to do with me do you? Ahahahahahahaha."

Erlan immediately stares daggers at his Cyric nemesis.

With Gayrold watching on, Aurien and Rosencrantz begin their interrogation. Aurien casts "Mind Read" and Rosy begins by asking "Where is the girl who was wearing this cloak?" Shileck struggles in her bindings as Aurien probes her mind. Aurien sees an orc carrying a box underground somewhere.

Rosencrantz, with silent signal from Aurien notifying him he may continue the questioning then asks Shileck "Where is the other key? (That looks like this...)" Again, Aurien probes deep into Shileck's mind. Shileck again struggles and at this point he feels like he is falling down deeper and deeper through impenetrable, misty darkness where he abruptly falls into some body of water. Sinking deeper and deeper into the water, suddenly, a shapeless form starts to appear from the murky depths below. Slowing an eye opens, glaring directly at Aurien. Aurien comes to, again giving the signal to Rosencrantz to continue.

Rosencrantz then clears his throat and asks "what is the command word for the hut?" Shileck squirms fruitlessly in her bindings as Aurien attempts to read her mind for the final time. Time is running short and the spell is about to wear off... Aurien probes back into Shileck's mind and immediately sees her saying some two syllable word, however, he can't seem to make out exactly what Shileck is saying. Aurien comes to.

Taking a quick break, the heroes regroup before making another attempt at reading Shileck's mind. Interrogation number 2 begins without warning for their captive. Aurien casts a "protection from evil spell" in hopes this may ward off whatever may be controlling Shileck. Rosencrantz and Aurien begin to grill Shileck. Rosencrantz immediately goes on the offensive asking "What is the command word for the hut?"

Shileck answers very calmly, "I don't know. We used to get magical items from the prisoners. I found it on one of them."

Nodding approvingly, Rosencrantz realizes that he just caught Shileck in a lie. This may come in handy later. Aurien asks more questions of Shileck regarding who shes working for.

She replies "I was hired by some orcs and we get the people and hand them over. I don't know who would be their master."

Erlan, fed up with the lies, begins playing the "bad cop role" telling Shileck "listen, we're not messing around here" as he pokes her in her face with his moons' hand.

Shileck, with a sigh, asks "what are you going to do with me? What can I do for you to let me go?"

Erlan replies very acridly, "that's for us to know and for you to find out. You and I got beef."

Aurien then casts another "Mind Read." Rosencrantz then proceeds to ask questions regarding the kidnappings. However, each time Aurien attempts to read Shileck's mind, he keeps seeing this shapeless form with an eye staring at him. Again he's falling through misty darkness, plunging into water below and descending into the depths. He again reaches the shapeless creature. This happens for all 3 questions asked of Shileck. Coming to, Aurien turns to Nanoc, "please put her turban back on." Nanoc complies.

With Shileck finally unable to hear again, Aurien informs the group of his findings. The group is a bit alarmed with what they hear. From what Aurien can gather, Shileck is under the control of some formless creature that he kept seeing during each attempt.

Happy with the results thus far, the party puts Shileck back into her original position, head wrap and all, and turn their attention to the boots she had been wearing in the mines. Erlan immediately puts them on. Thinking of floating, he goes no where. In a flash of brilliant "back roads intelligence" Erlan decides to attempt thinking of floating in the water. Erlan starts flaoting up into the air as the group and Gayrold watch him hit the roof of the house. Happy with the results, Erlan places the boots back into the heroes pile of booty.

Rosencrantz, wanting to do further testing of the boots, decides to try them on outside with Nanocs help. So the group heads outside. While there Nanoc takes out his magical rope. Saying the magic words "rope slither" the rope ties neatly around Rosy's leg. Thinking of floating in water Rosencrantz immediately floats up the 30 feet length of the rope. Admiring kids look on as the group attempts to pick up Nanoc with the rope. No luck. Rowyn, weighing only 126 pounds then hangs onto the rope and it picked up with ease. Estimating the rope has a max strength of approximately 300 - 350 pounds and now satisfied, Rosencrantz casts cantrip as his arm lights up and then begins his descent back toward the ground, landing softly. The young kids cheer in delight. [The villagers rejoice! yay!]

While the half day heroes decide to wait out the rest of the day, the two priests and Rosencrantz decide to head over to the armory. Looking for sling bullets and a medium shield, they only find the shield and sling stones. Aurien happily purchases his new shield. Remembering he must notify his new BFF Darius Carmen, Aurien asks Erlan and Rosy to accompany him to his mansion.

The trio arrives at Darius Carmen's mansion. Knocking on the door, a servant promptly answers the door. "May I help you?"

Charismatically, Aurien replies, "is the master in? I need to speak with him."

"I'm sorry sir" the servant replied. "Mr Carmen is currently at Count Palfrey's. He left yesterday and is expected back sometime today."

"Thank you" says Aurien. "May I leave him a note?"

The servant heads off and returns with writing implements for Aurien. He then begins scribbling down his note for Darius Carmen notifying him that the Carmen mines should be clear for his workers.
[/End Bubble]

The heroes reconvene at Gayrold's for the night. They establish watches. But before the first watch takes its turn, there is a banging at the door of Gayrold's house. Nanoc springs up, hand on sword, and answers the door. It's Lintern! ...And he doesn't look good. Lintern is all bloody, with slashes in his armor.

The poor guy is quite distraught. "Guys, I am so glad I found you. So I was doing research on the Gleaming Glade in the library and I think I located it. So I went there by myself." Nanoc unrolls his map and has Lintern show him where it's located.

Lintern continues "so when I was in the gleaming glade, I ran into some orcs. But as I was fighting them, some "ghost-type" of mass came out of nowhere and decimated all the orcs! In the confusion, I was able to run away and get back here. That place is evil."

[I can't remember if Lintern was healed or not... I thought not.]
Thanking Lintern, the group sends him on his way back to Count Palfrey's keep.

The group sets up watches and settle in for the night. The entire night passes uneventfully.

The following morning, Aurien wants to get right back to the interrogation. He casts detect charm on Shileck. He sees her glowing. Shileck is under control but it's not magical. Hell-bent on convincing Shileck she's under control or saving her soul, Aurien casts "protection from evil." Unsuccessfully, Aurien does not convince Shileck she is under control. He then shifts gears and engages with Shilect on a cost-benefit analysis of being an evil priest of Cyric. Again no real headway made.

The party, knowing it will take a days travel time with "double timing the horses," decide to try and catch a barge or boat to Thurmaster. We all head down to the dock in Milbourne, prisoner in tow. Traveling through town and getting strange looks from the townsfolk, the heroes arrive at the docks and ask about securing passage. Speaking with the worker on the dock, the party learns that there is a boat coming today but the arrival time has so far eluded the worker. We decide to make the trek on horseback to Thurmaster to see Toaster to see if he may assist with identifying the magic hut and other magic items the party has in its' possession.

Traveling the day to Thurmaster, the group finally reaches their destination. A few of the horses are weary, but for the most part the horses are in good shape. Arriving at the gates the guards clearly are looking at us sideways seeing as we have a captive in our tow.

Rosencrantz replies to the looks with "Kidnappings? She's responsible."

The guards congratulate the heroes on their score.

The party continues past the gates onto the Hounds and Tales to drop off the horses. After doing so the party heads directly to Tausters. Knocking on his door, he opens it greeting us immediately. His eyes go straight to Shileck. Again Rosencrntz replies with his traditional "Kidnappings? She's behind them."

Tauster ushers the party into his house. We show him the items and he can't really assist with any identification until he can secure some pearls. Rosencrantz then asks his colleague about some type of mind control being exhibited over Shileck by some formless eyed monster. Rosy also explains more about Aurien and his "Mind Read" results. Tauster offers to do a dispel magic to attempt to rid Shileck and possibly Aurien of this hold over them. The party agrees and heads about 50 yards outside of town.

50 yards outside of town the group disperses as Nanoc throws Shileck into the center. Aurien joins her. Tauster casts dispel magic and nothing noteworthy happens. Tauster then offers to cast "detect cyne [???]" to see if anyone is watching us. Again, nothing noteworthy happens. The crew thanks Tauster for his time and heads back to the Hounds and Tales to hole up for the night.

Arriving back at the Hounds and Tales the heroes settle in and set watches. The night passes uneventfully.

The following morning, Aurien decides to cast detect charm and doesn't see anything on either himself or on Shileck. Attempting another "mind rape" Aurien casts "Mind Read" asks Shileck what the command word for the hut is. This time he actually hears her say "Cri-Zeck." He then sees an eye again and immediately Aurien passes out. Erlan rushes to his side and tells the party "Guys it's not magic that made him pass out."

After some time of waiting, Aurien comes to. He tells the party of his findings. The group starts toward the door to try the hut out.

Saying the magic words "Cri-Zeck" the house begins to get larger and larger, finally coming to rest as a full sized shante. The group heads inside while Nanoc keeps watch. [He was spinning records...] Inside the group finds:

* A chest containing a presumed magic wand and 2 scrolls.
-Scrolls have mirror, web, dispel magic & minor globe of invulnerability.

* A pouch containing gems; diamonds, etc.

* 2200 gold

*1200 platinum

* 1400 electrum

Rosencrantz then has everyone get out of the hut and tries the magic words again. The hut shrinks back to it's original state. He again uses the words twice more. The hut grows and shrinks. He tries for a third time, nothing happens.

The party heads back inside of the Hounds and Tales....

[/End of session]

Monday, November 16, 2009


When we last left our "half-day heroes," the party had just dispatched a horde of brain eating zombies and the evil priest of Cyric, Imerin. All while the second Cyric priest was busy attempting to tear through the web that Rosencrantz had magically evoked.

Nanoc, in a merciless rage and drunk from blood [or lack there of] lust, headed directly toward one of the remaining zombies entrapped in the web. With one fell swoop of his blade, the zombie is crushed. Rosencrantz, aware that Shlieck is attempting to flee immediately casts stinking cloud. Suddenly a noxious cloud encompasses the evil priestess. Choking from the fumes, Emerin immediately starts heading through the web toward the party.

The group then notices that 4 more zombies are coming through the web to engage the party. [brains! brains!] As the remaining zombies rip apart the web that stands between them and the group, the last zombie who was trapped in the web breaks free with the help from his counterparts. Nanoc engages the first zombie coming through the opening created in the web. 2-handed sword swinging, the zombie is obliterated.

Meanwhile, behind Nanoc, Vance and Kuiper head toward the priestess and her evil minions. While the fighters battle it out with their undead foes, Erlan begins casting "light." A large, bright light lights up around the priestess of Cyric. Suddenly, having been blinded, Shileck appears to be lost with no real direction. Aurien decides to cast a spell, but it appears he failed as he attempted to "hold person." Seeing his spell did not effect Shileck, Aurien turns his attention to Rowyn who is currently on the verge of "death." He heals Rowyn and immediately she appears in better health; wounds healed, color comes back into her face, and she gets up with a spring to her step.

Having been healed, Rowyn immediately heads down the mine in the opposite direction toward the slain priest, Imerin and begins searching his corpse. On his remains she finds the following items:

1 Holy Symbol
1 Chain Mail (+1)
1 Shield (+1)
1 Footmans' Mace (+1)
1 Odd Robe w/Patches (magic)
1 Gold serpent bracelet
1 Sapphire Ring
1 Scroll (8th level - Remove Paralysis)
1 Set of Boots

Back in the melee, Kuiper winds up and kills a zombie! [Gasp! Shock!] With the priestess still blinded, Nanoc winds up and smashes her for some good damage. Seeing that he may kill the potential informant that way, he decides better and sheaths his sword and engages in some "dirty boxing." The other zombies come through the web, which by this time has been pretty much torn apart, Kuiper and Vance engage the remaining undead. Upon smashing their undead faces in, Vance and Nanoc double team Shileck. [Get your minds out of the gutter!] Nanoc lands a right hook and Vance lands an uppercut on Shileck. She crumbles to the ground like a ton of bricks. [THIS! IS! GARELSTONE!] Vance and Nanoc high-five. Without time to waste, the group starts looting the body of the priestess. On her body the group finds:

1 scroll
700GP Worth of Gold Jewelry
1Gold and Ivory Key
1 Chain Mail (+2)
1 Sickle (+2)
1 Holy Symbol
1 Black Robe
1 Blue Cloak
1 Scroll (10th level - Aid, Paralysis, Prayer)
1 Set of Boots (magic)

After removing all of her clothes [and forgetting the boots], the priestess finally wakes up. As soon as her eyes open she immediately starts flying up in the air, smashing herself on the top of the roof of the mines. Hastily, Nanoc throws his magic rope into the air and mutters its magic phrase. Shileck finds herself completely tied up as Nanoc pulls her down from the air with all the strength he can muster. Finally down on the floor, the prisoner is hog-tied. The party removes her boots as a little added insurance. The group gathers itself and begins its trek down the remaining corridor.

Coming down the corridor the party comes into a large room that is wide open; The Grand Cavern. There are plenty of tracks in this room, suggesting plenty of foot traffic comes through here. Kuiper immediately starts following tracks directly into a wall. Curious, both Erlan and Rowyn do some searching where the tracks left off. With a smile, Erlan hears a "click" as he opens a secret hidden door leading down a hallway with no light. The party continues on...

Coming down to the end of the hallway, the group comes to a 20ft X 15ft room with 2 doors - one on the left, one on the right. Rosencrantz attempts to open the door on the right. Nothing. Unsure if it's his strength or lock hindering the door from opening, he has Nanoc try. No luck. So Rosencrantz takes out the key looted from Shileck and places it into the lock of the door and turns it. "Click." Nanoc again attempts to open the door with no luck. They then try the door on the left using the same key. Nothing. Satisfied that they can't go on any longer without opening either of the doors, the party disembarks from the mines, burning the zombie corpses on the way out and head toward Milbourne.

As night falls, the party arrives in Milbourne. Immediately, the group heads over to Gayrold's house. He invites them in and the party explains all that has been happening. The group decides to stay at Gayrold's tonight and not bring any more unwanted attention to themselves.

While the group gets settled, Aurien heads over to Andrins. He shows Andrin the black cloak. Andrin's face drops... Aurien consoles him telling him we didn't find her body yet, but the cloak is Jaleneths. [+100xp!] Aurien heads back to Gayrolds house and gets settled in.

Once everyone is settled in, the party begins discussions as to the best way to interrogate their new found potential informant.......

Some Questions to ponder: [See Bulletin Board]

  • Find out if she is kidnapping people, and why.
  • Discover the nature of whatever is controlling her, if indeed she is being controlled as we suspect. This will require some cleverness.
  • Locate the whereabouts of J-Love and Samheis, and possibly the Sune pilgrims.
  • Ascertain where they are operating out of. I am assuming that the Garlstone mines are not the only base, and I'm particularly interested in the keep south of the river and with Wingy McEyepatch.
  • Find out what's on the other side of that doorway in the mines.
  • Discover the command word for the flying boots, if it exists (we'll have to test this out).

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Third Time is the Charm! [Oh, and screw Kuiper]

“Third Time’s the Charm, wherein the Halfday Heroes, having nearly met with destruction at the hands of foul and uncouth priests, do return, and visit upon the same a wellspring of chastisement.” - chapter heading from The Halfday Heroes, a history, by Dresden the Bard.

Picking up from where we left off: the heroes stood, heaving the remnants of panic breaths, just beyond the maw of the Garlstone Mines. While Erlan stared speculatively at the moon, Rowyn reminded the party that she needed to collect Grr from the Carmen Mines, where he had been entrusted to some workers. She and Aurian were both blind. Grasping the arms of their allies, they made their benighted way across the treacherous pre-dawn landscape.

Aurian had never faced priests of this caliber or nature before, and it frightened him. Although he was sure that the blindness which afflicted him would either fade or could be removed by his betters at the church, he found it shocking to see his own powers, darkly mirrored by the apostles of an evil god, used to stir such havoc. At the same time, he felt emboldened at the realization that his own magic, when rightly applied, might produce a similar affect on the villains themselves, as it had on the Ginger. As Erlan led him along, however, he couldn’t help but feel that the elf, now strangely taciturn, had suffered a dent to his own faith. But there was no time to speak of it.

Having put that small paragraph of psychodrama behind them, the party arrived at the Carmen Mines, where they were hailed (warily) by two guards. Upon seeing the party in such a state, and upon hearing that the party was perhaps being dogged by a group of zombies and other malefactors, the guards began to freak out. Rowyn asked whether they knew of a connection between the Carmen and the Garlstone Mines, which they denied; they did suggest, however, that someone in town, someone like the oldest person in town, might know. Who that oldest person could be, however, they were unsure. His name eluded them. Was it Derkaster? No. Go figure.

Rowyn collected Grr from the guards just as her sight, and Aurian’s, returned. The spell that blinded them each had been a light spell, in that case. After agreeing to deliver a message to Darius Carmen RE: What The Fuck Is Going On, the party hit the dusty trail and arrived in Milbourne shortly thereafter.

The party power-healed, armed themselves to the teeth, and returned to the mines, where they–just kidding. That’s only what the party thought they were going to do.

Actually, the party bubbled up and quickly lost focus regarding all the carefully laid plans about avoiding NPCs and such that had been made previously. It was all basically for the best, though.

Upon reaching town, Aurian and Dresden called at Carmen’s home, where Aurian insisted that the master be woken. Having been welcomed in, they laid down some facts for DC which were met with alarm. The wary Carmen offered ten platinum coins and a missive to Dresden, with the intention of withdrawing his workers and guards from his own mines at once, as he felt they were in danger. Aurian spoke with the landowner a bit longer before accepting his gracious offer of a warm bath and a soft bed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party found Garyld ready for action on his own lawn, with his bowstring drawn and vague premonitions running through his brain. He agreed to send word of the night’s foul deeds to Count Palfrey. Rowyn asked him who the oldest person in town was, and was told that it was probably Old Grizzler, that dwarf we ignored so many sessions ago as he sat on the half-bridge lucratively, fishing with a gold exclamation point above his head.

Most of the party, I believe, went to the Baron of Mutton to hit the hay, and deservedly so. Dresden, along with Vance and Nanoc, made their way back to the mines and aided in the mass exodus of Carmen’s men. They split ten platinum between them for this minor service (fuckers). By the time they returned to Milbourne word had spread, inducing (no doubt) the outlying farmers to seek the safety of numbers also, and Milbourne looked like a damn carnival. At some point here Vance saw Andren, Jileneth’s beau, being -eh-i’m-not-so-sure about the crossbow he was wielding, and decided to give the young man an impromptu training session. I think it ended with them making out. Or no, it actually ended with there being no targets or room for the training, so Vance might have shown him some sword techniques instead, or something. Yeah.

Erlan had spent the night administering healing care to the party at the Baron of Mutton, but the morning arrived with a crash. The town was swarming with inhabitants. Aurian memorized enough curative spells to put everyone back to max, or damn near, and then cast them as appropriate. Then he cast Idea, for the first time, and received a strange omen which implored him to remember Andren’s initial description of his lost love. As Aurian relayed this vision, a bell went off in someone’s head–I think it was Jason’s, but forgive me if I’m wrong. He recalled the ring we had found with a J carved on it. Half of us had no fucking idea what ring he was talking about. Was it the one from the fat chi–I mean halfling’s–hand that we found? No, Jason said (definitely him this time). It was the ring we found on one of the dead bodies in the mines, it was the body of a guard wearing chain mail armor or whatever. We rushed down stairs and showed it to Andren.

Poor Andren. The ecstatic look on his face said it all. “Where did you find this?” he asked. “On a dead body in the mines,” we said, and then–at the graying of his visage–”but not Jileneth’s!”

Outside the game, going back in time five seconds, we all sat on the edges of our fucking seats. At Bill’s assertion, as Andren, that the ring was indeed Jileneth’s, at least three people went “Yes!”, at least one person leaped out of their chair (me lol), and there was much clapping, rejoicing, and throwing of high-fives. Good work team!!!

Back in the game, Aurian assured Andren that the party would rescue Jileneth or die trying, etc, etc. After this it was decided that the party had two important tasks before them: the first was to follow up on Bill’s dangling hint that Grizzler the Plot-Hooked Dwarf might have *gasp* some important knowledge for the party. The second was to meet Tauster in Thurmaster for a debriefing. Alright, so only Rosencrantz thought that second one was important but, believing in his friend’s superior intellect, Aurian offered to accompany him on the jaunt.

Bubble A: Rowyn, Nanoc, Vance, Erlan, and Dresden made their way to the half constructed bridge where Grizzler had been previously spotted fishing, but the landmark was deserted. At Garyld’s suggestion they hit up the Baron next. It was hopping like crazy due to the influx of people looking for safety, and the only clue the perceptive heroes had that Grizzler sat at the bar was a suspicious space between taller patrons. Accosting him with merriment, Rowyn offered to buy the son of a bitch a beer, and he eagerly consented. They had a grand old time for a few minutes until Rowyn talked the dwarf into stepping outside, where she probed him with questions regarding the mines. Each inquiry was like a needle to his skin. As if, right?

It became clear that the good dwarf was a former miner at the Garlstone mines, in the halcyon days of yore when the ore flowed like water and the dwarves bedded every wench from Milbourne to Selgaunt, etc. Not only that, he had a FUCKING MAP of the place and he was willing to sell it to us (fists pumped at this unexpected twist)! After a brief discussion about alternative forms of payment, someone sucked up the damage and threw down 20 gp for a map of the Garlstone mines. It was then that Rowyn and the others finally laid eyes on the names of the rooms in this twisted labyrinth. The Crab Petals? The Chamber of the All Hearing Gods? The Pallisaides of the Bill Give Us More Gold U Jerk? Who thought of this stuff, we wondered. Caverns that we had already explored seemed retroactively sinister, and we trembled at the thought of them.

And so on.

Bubble B: Hooves thundered as Rosencrantz and Aurian crashed through the Redwood on a Mission from God. But ho! With infinite cunning, they reined in at Kiuper’s where they FLASHFORWARD cursed his fucking name for being the worst combatant in the history of the fucking Realms and FLASHBACK stepped up to his door to seek the ranger’s aid. Aurian plied the noble woodsman with words of friendship and inspiration, convincing him to join them in their desperate plight, although he mentioned that the venture could be their last. Leaving Kiuper to prepare himself, they continued on to Thurmaster where Jason got up to take a break and Aurian masterfully filled in Tauster on every relevant detail the wizard/priest duo and friends had discovered. After realizing that Tauster had not a jot or iota of wisdom to dispense, the heroes left his tower, urging him only to protect the town should the worst occur to them. Back at Kiuper’s, they told the now readied ranger that oops, change of plans, meet us at the village tomorrow. Eyes narrowed, he accepted this modification to the arrangement.

Kiuper then did pulled out his short, stubby dagger and drove it into his own face repeatedly until Rosencrantz woke up with a gritty smile on his face, forgetting the wondrous dream almost instantly. Dawn had broken, and it was time to put it back together.

“I’ll put you back together,” Palfrey whispered as his hands made another arcane pass over the boiling green liquid in the cauldron. This time Aurian woke up, well rested from the luxuries of Carmen’s place, and set off to meet the party.

Grr was left with Naftan, I think, and the party set out to fuck some shit up at Garlstone yo. The air was practically singing with anticipation. Mid-way through the caves (we’re at the caves now) a stalagtite fell from the ceiling nearby, and was OBVIOUSLY a monster. Vance stepped carefully around to the wide base of the conical rock formation, and was greeted by some fleshy abomination of a toothy maw. He did not stay his sword hand. A rain of cherry blossoms fell as another foul creature passed from this earth; Pelor commands it.

At the top of the mine shaft two orcs awaited the party. Don’t even fucking ask me how they died, I can’t remember :( Sorry to whoever killed them! Your deeds were mad noble. I’m guessing that Nanoc and Vance had something to do with it. Of course, probably no one else remembers who killed them, either. In that case, it was Aurian. And it was fucking awesome.

At any rate, they’re dead. A tense week passed in real time.

Rowyn descended the ladder and, after a brief look around, gave the go ahead. The party made their way down the shaft. At some point heading forward (or maybe it was on the level above?) they passed a shimmering shape in the air which Rosencrantz noticed hanging there. The party, suspecting this apparition was a trap, gave the space a wide berth and avoided activating the dreaded Wyvern Watch altogether. The party continued on, taking a moment to inspect the left-hand cave where the moon eel had previously dwelt while Dr. Bow kept a guard in the main passage. Rowyn did her Sonic the Hedgehog impression and reported that nothing had changed. Lanterns were topped off at the first cabin. At the cabin in the main hall, Nanoc boosted Erlan up to examine the small, disheveled interior through a small window. Aurian passed him his lantern (PS Aurian and Rosencrantz have the lanterns) and Erlan noted that nothing appeared amiss in the cabin. The party continued onwards towards…

Cut to Rosencrantz crit failing on his rock-throw attack (Trainer: “Rosencrantz, use your rock-throw attack!” Rosencrantz: “Rosencrantz! Rosencraaantz!” System: “Rosencrantz failed it’s rock throw attack badly! Rosencrantz is embarrassed!”). Nanoc shoves the young wizard aside–unnecessarily really, as there’s plenty of rocky shoreline to stand on–and hefts a stone up and down a few times to appreciate its balance. Then he hurls the thing like a medieval Randy Johnson at maximum speed into the point of interest, a floating object of indeterminate type.

Re-cap: After reaching the chamber denoted as “The Dome” on their map, the party found a large pool of water with a pillar of rock rising from it, behind which they could barely glimpse SOMETHING. It was this something which Nanoc now threw perfect strikes at.

The object seemed to move in the water, but a second strike revealed that the force of the rock was causing it to stir, and not its own impetus. The general consensus rang out: it was a dead body. Aurian declared that he would remove his armor and swim out to capture the corpse, which (in-game explanation: could be Semheis) and (out of game explanation: is full of fucking treasure). There was much arguing but the noble priest finally convinced the party to let him attempt it.

Yes, Virgina, there really are deadly black fish things. Having swam halfway to the corpse, Aurian saw the razor-fins of his aquarian oppressors shear the surface of the still water like the teeth of a devil. He made an impossible roll on his swimming check and bolted back to the shore like a cartoon character before they could mar his beautiful person. Everyone chuckled at his folly but he marveled at his own initiative. Suiting up in armor again, he followed the others back to the main passage. Of course, soon enough they ventured into…

Aurian noticed the silvery wire of an appendage stuck to his breastplate with a tense look of dismay. Was it something gross he’d walked through? As he turned back to his companions who followed behind, he was suddenly yanked at high speeds backwards into the room. Although he remained on his feet, waterskiing in reverse, the party watched as his lantern zoomed away from them and was jerked around a corner of rock outcropping. The left over illumination quickly dimmed. The priest of Sune had vanished.

Vance was already moving, but not before Rowyn. As the elven rogue darted ahead at lightning speed, she too felt some strange constriction and was pulled down to the cold and rough stone of the cavern floor. Vance, feeling her sudden passage more than seeing it, would have collided with the dragged elf in a tangle had he not leaped over the course of her passing in an incredibly badass way. As he broke right and charged after Aurian, Nanoc broke left and followed the elf. Rosie and Kiuper and Erlan followed the burly fighter, while Dresden chased after Vance. I’m going to totally cut to the chase here: this thing is a giant mantis with crab claws. Correction, these things. Plural.

Pulled up nigh into the crunching maw of the beast, Aurian rolled and tumbled to avoid the crashing claws and piercing fangs of his would be killer. He met with mixed success, finally succumbing to at least one horrid stab from the thing’s violent coercion. As hit hit points dropped into the red, John turned to see the look on my face as my beloved character died. But that would not be Aurian’s fate, I decided. Despite being held down by the creature’s claws, Aurian manged to push up enough to throw a spell into its insectoid eyes. In a flash of brilliant white, the mantis reared up and uttered an ear splitting hiss, affording Auri the opportunity to roll away. As its forelegs jetted out, they found no purchase on the canny priest. It was then that Vance and Dresden appeared. The fighter would suffer no contest from this fiendish foe, and hacked into it with the fury that only an indignant Cormyrian can muster. Black and brackish ichor flew everywhere under the prestige of his blows. Then we discussed how to pronounce ichor. Then Dresden, running up the very claw of the beast with a quick-stepping nonchalance that all the girls find exciting, drove his enchanted rapier into the face of this malcontent dreadling with mucho fucking gusto. He landed on the ground in a flourishing pose as the monster collapsed behind him and a gout of blood arched o’erhead. It was awesome AND HAPPENED EXACTLY LIKE THAT, REGARDLESS OF WHAT U REMEMBER, OK.

Meanwhile, Kiuper crit failed fifty three fucking times until we wrested his character sheet away from Bill and put it to the sword. But we didn’t really, though.

But honestly, he dropped his sword. Nanoc screamed for the ranger to clear out of the way so he could smash the shit out of the offending bug-crab, but as Kiuper backed up, Rosencrantz forced an enchanted dagger into his hands and shoved him back into the fray, where Nanoc again shoved him away. Then Nanoc missed a bunch of attacks. It was a sad time for the Republic. Erlan kept to the shadows and waited to see who would die while Rowyn tried to maintain her cool while being stabbed and crunched by pincers. It was not a pretty sight. Lets just skip ahead, can we? Nanoc kills it with a massive sword blow and it explodes everywhere in a display of ultimate GROSSNESS. Rowyn and Aurian are half-dead. PS there’s no fucking treasure in the room either, thanks for playing assholes.

Aurian cast a cure spell on himself and, with Dresden’s help, got most of the sticky ichor and web thingy off. Rosencrantz alerted the rest of the universe to the party’s presence by screaming at Kiuper with a series of invectives that I withhold due to the relative modesty of this f-bomb laden account.

With wisdom befitting only the most exalted of priests, the party decided to move swiftly through the next area, a movement inhibiting, geode reminiscent mo’fucka and they did NOT explore the small chamber that it seemed to enclose, thank God. Bringing us to…

Disclaimer: I know I’m going to fuck up more than a little of this description. For one thing I’m not sure if there were two or four orcs, nor do I necessarily remember the exact order of events. Please feel free to correct all the mistakes. Anyway:

As Rowyn darted forth speedily into the cavern, the description of which escapes me entirely, two horrid, pig-faced orcs dashed from the shadows of an alcove and cut her down. From the party’s vantage point, it looked for all the world like they had run her through. Nanoc uttered a cry of rage and charged forth, even as the party noticed a contingent of five zombies which had waddled out from some dusty corner and were desceding toward Rowyn’s fallen body, probably to feed. Icky.

Aurian had had enough, however. Raising his hand, he froze the zombies in their place with a judgment from Sune. Fear filled their empty sockets as the turned and attempted to shamble away from the agent of justice who’s passionate fury they had so foolishly roused. But they got nowhere, and neither did the orcs–Rosencrantz stepped forward like Peter Fucking Parker and, cracking wise no doubt, shot from his fingers a web that filled part of the cavern and ensnared both orcs and several zombies.

Vance was already in the think of things, though. Having been following Rowyn at a close range, he held an advanced place in the cavern and was there to meet the next wave of attackers, including zombies that came streaming out of a farther passage and possibly some orcs (it was damn hard to see with that web everywhere).

Vance proved, as he often does, to be unhittable. Swinging his shield about like a Greek warrior, he took turns rebuffing the useless clanging of claws and weapons against his invulnerable person and piercing his adversaries with well aimed thrusts. No movements were wasted; his was an economical program of murder. The rest of the party was impressed.

Nanoc, meanwhile, was surrounded on several occasions by zombies and forced to resort to his trusty dagger, which he used to punch holes through people. Having slaughtered a number of the foul denizens of Cyric’s ill love, he stepped forward to greet the hearty orcs as they emerged from the web, and felled them with swift and clean blows to the neck region. Much blood was spilled by his insatiable appetite for destruction.

Erlan made his way down the cavern’s length, marveling at the tenacity of the dirty humans, and letting the moon’s hand fly where it would. He was probably the one, along with Vance and Rosencrantz, who spotted Shilek emerge from the distant passage and then retreat back into it. He rushed forward while Rosencrantz begin preparing his most important spell of the venture and Vance fought through waves of undead. Like a wrecking ball, Nanoc crashed through his opponents to get close to the now retreated priestess.

With all eyes focused forward, Dr. Bow began to shine. He had rushed forward to Rowyn when she fell, reaching her in time to bandage her wounds and administer treatment. Then he threw back his head with a laugh of bardic chivalry and began slaying the enemy army en masse. Where a zombie stood, a rapier would flash, and Dresden had soon assembled a crew of corpses about him. Dashing here, sliding there, his dextrous blade performed its fearsome work. By the time the battle had ended, the humble level 2 Bard had slain at least six zombies, and wounded more. Good work, Dr. Bow!

In contrast: fuck you, Kiuper. Fuck you.

In the instant that Shilek and Imrin emerged from their passage and began to cast, they were toast. Rosie beat them both on initiative and threw a second web their way, submerging the priestess in the fibrous strands while the male priest rolled away. Coming up, Imrin attempted to regain control of his zombies from Aurian, who cut a dashing figure a million miles away from everyone else as he slowly advanced, locked in mystic concentration. A battle of wills began; the zombies, confused, stood still as Aurian’s eyes grew more intense and Imrin’s sinister brown knit in concentration. Then it was over–like a thunderclap had gone off, Imrin’s head shot back in rage as a smile broke on Aurian’s face. The zombies continued to flee. The power of the young priest had overcome the darkness.

As Imrin reeled back, however, Vance (I think?) was there to meet him with a sword blow, and Nanoc wasn’t far behind. Erlan commanded the priest to fall and he did, allowing the party’s muscle to fuck his shit right up. Aurian, having released the zombies he just fought hard to keep, sprinted down the cavern for the finale. Imrin leaped back to his feet. Everyone rolled what would be an intensely important initiative. Scott got a 1; I got a 3.

Nanoc struck first with darts, but his initial shot went wide and Imrin continued to cast some hideous portent. The priests baleful face glowed with malevolence as he neared the completion of his spell, quickening his pace. But Aurian was faster. Taking a play from his comrade Erlan’s book, he commanded Imrin to fall, and as the priest hit the ground, Rosencrantz’s magic missles sliced his prone body. They were right on the money. Imrin was dead.

He was dead, and Shilek was bound up in the web, and the players howled with delight and began to set about with finishing off the four or five remaining zombies, which they quickly accomplished–some at the hands of Dr. Bow, some by Vance’s, and some by Nanoc’s own sword.

After helping Rowyn to her feet, they surveryed the carnage, and considered the prospects of taking a priest of the fell god Cyric as their prisoner.


Down Into the Depths (Round 2)

We picked up where we had left off, with Rowyn, Rosencrantz, Nanoc, Aurian, Erlan, and Dresden standing at the mouth of the Garlstone Mines. Terth had mysteriously jaunted through a rock wall (not to be seen again), just as Vance arrived on the scene, mouthing threats against nymphs and assorted fey creatures that no one else ever seems to see. Turns out that he’d been tracking and fighting Black Hand assassins in Cormyr. Apparently Bargel, who Aurian never had the pleasure of meeting, is somehow behind these assassins and has them killing followers of Gond Wonderbringer, or SOMETHING. I’m not old school enough to get this. At any rate, it was all hands on deck. While in Cormyr, V-bomb also hit level 3 and decided to cash in with the automatic hit-point bump in lieu of rolling. An academic distinction! Since Vance can’t be hit. Exclamation point!

After making their way through the mines that they had previously cleared, the heroes arrived at the sketchy looking shaft which had halted their progress last session. After some discussion, Rosencrantz lowered the lantern (where are you, Terth?) to get a full diagnostic on the drop. It was 40 feet and there were metal rungs going all the way down.

Rosencrantz got ready to cast Feather Fall as Rowyn pluckily plumbed the depths of the pit, and whistled back to report that no foes were in sight. The descent continued, shockinly without incident. There was a 10 minute discussion about whether Rosie would hold the lantern while climbing down the ladder, or tie it to his back pack. The lantern went out in mid-step. We cogitated. The lantern was re-lit. Party members engulfed in flames: zero.

Our heroes ventured forth into the caves, zagging and zigging to illuminate as much ground as possible. Before long they hit a T intersection and some wall sconces, uproariously blazing. Roll for initiative.

Picture this: a dead orc. Nanoc happened to it. The orc’s partner, all by his lonesome now, had his axe shocked out of his grasp by Vance’s stalwart shield block. It sailed through the air and landed behind him dully. He’ll recover it a round from now when shit has hit the fan, but shit hasn’t hit the fan yet. Aurian prepares to fist pump if/as Nanoc mows down the remaining orc, since cheerleading is a less cliche way of gaining XP than “watching the rear.” Dresden is “watching the rear,” though, and it’s a damned good thing. He sees: a Ginger Haired Man. O fuck, we think. O Sune. You’re the one we’re looking for, Ginger–but how are you running so fast?

Suddenly, ancestral voices are prophesying war. A cadre of infidels, of Orcish bent, of Orcish persuasion and Orcish manners, are charging down the hall towards us. The bastards have evolved a pincer: one ragged claw is a Ginger Haired Gent who appears to be fucking hasted, the other a ravenous mob of assholes and (though our heroes don’t know this) a sinister priest to boot. The Round begins.

Subsection: What Happened in the Round?

In the round….Aurian cast Hold Person on the Ginger and it landed. The red rogue pulled his bow string half-way back for (SPOILERS) the last time and prepared to watch his prolonged, horrific and cosmically unfair slaughter at the hands of gooder peeps.

In the round….Rosencrantz threw a Web between our heroes and the mob, effectively cutting off somewhere between five and eight enemy combatants from the fight. Fuck yeah.

In the round….Nanoc charged towards the frozen Ginger, while Scott’s feet tapped and his eyes were lit with madness.

In the round….Dresden made a tough as nails save against a Hold Person spell and then loosed arrows at Dude, squire and servant of the Ginger. Aurian and Erlan made their saves too. Rosie didn’t, just as Jason and Rae expected :(

In the round….We spent five minutes debating whether a hypothetical priest had line of effect through ten hypothetical feet of web. Turns out: yes, for now.

In the round….Vance hit the bricks and arrived on Ginger’s doorstep, in Nanoc’s footsteps, grinning at the impossibility of a whiff.

In the round….Rowyn hit a freebie sneak critical on our stiffened antagonist, for 3 luxurious damage. Hardy fucking har. Don’t feel bad, she kills the halfling later.

In the round….Erlan smote the left-over Orc with his moon’s hand, crushing his skull. Beginning: his hard-on for bloodshed.

In the round….Rosencrantz and the Ginger stood immobilized but cognizant, unable to pivot but able to petition their gods for succor as the rest of us smugly realized that we were about to fuck some shit up.

That was the ballgame, that one round. Dresden made it downfield in time to stick the pointy end of his rapier in Dude’s exposed throat with a savage thrust. Nanoc and Vance took turns hacking the helpless Ginger with their blood-soaked weapons. Fucker had about a million hit points, until Erlan finally, thankfully, reduced him to zero, with an undignified high angle face bash. The moon’s hand had fucked another were-bear, as they say.

At some point after Dude had been laid to rest but before the Ginger had, because it took rounds, a feisty halfling missed his backstab on Rowyn and was well abused as a reward, ending with his death at the hands of the elven rogue. All this time Aurian had been dragging Rosencrantz’s static form down the cave passage and away from the Web, defending his helpless friend as necessary. The mob burned down the web and Nanoc prepared to meet them head on. But when the smoke had cleared, they were gone.

The group formed up. With Nanoc watching the wide, main passage and Erlan watching the side, and with Rosencrantz safely in the middle, Aurian cast Detect Magic and started looking for goodies while Dresden cut off the Ginger’s head to prevent him from returning as a ZOOOOOOOOMBIIIIIIIIIEEEEE. Aurian appraised the party’s spoils as Jason set the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare to playing on his iPod.

1. A magic bastard sword, of the same strength as Vance’s (+2), which Nanoc was given.
2. A magic set of splint mail, which glowed fairly brightly, which Nanoc was given after a friendly discussion among those who lusted after it, and some dice rolling. Nanoc’s straight up splint mail was given to Erlan.
3. A potion of Extra healing which Nanoc was given. Good to note that at this time, Nanoc dished his standard potion of healing to Auri while Rosencrantz, unfrozen at last, gave up some of his to Dresden, Erlan and Rowyn.
4. A pair of magic boots with a 24 speed, which Rowyn was given.
5. A more powerful magic dagger (+2?) which Rowyn was given. Her other magic dagger went to Vance.
6. A magic long bow which went to Dresden, aka Dr. Bow.

Keep in mind of this shit came from the Ginger. I know, right? They got the blood on the whaaaaat?

After Vance had removed the Ginger’s armor and Nanoc had suited up, and everyone else had arranged their posessions, we decided to close shop a little early and leave things hanging, as more combat was indisputably ahead. XP was the floor but I think a pretty good time was had by all.

1. There is a second level priest spell in the Tome of Magic called Idea that I might use to help us find clues about Jileneth that we may have overlooked.
2. There is a first level priest spell in the Tome of Magic called Weighty Chest that I could combine with Love Bite to seriously fuck up any singular opponent we face. The spell could cause some item the opponent is wearing, for instance the pauldron on his sword arm, to suddenly weigh 2 to 5 times his own body weight. Yikes!
3. The last thing we noted was that the Ginger had the same fishy smell about him that we’ve been encountering among adversaries in the mines. A fishy smell, huh? Hmmm….smells fishy.

If You Want to Play 'Catch Up'

- We got attacked by a bunch of bandits just as we arrived in the area. During the fight, one of the bandits pointed directly at Rosencrantz and yelled out “GET HIM!”. Why? Is it because Rosencrantz was obviously a wizard? Was it random chance? Was it because he was the weakest-looking person?
- Jelenneth kidnapped from the inn in Milbourne. We have NFC where she went, no leads on why she left, just her bag of spell components and a locked door.
- The boy were-bear goes missing. We hook up with Kuiper to investigate a place where Jelenneth might have gone searching for spell components, as well as look for the boy. We run into Olan, with her two wolf companions. We get ambushed by orcs during the night. We find the were-bear. He is injured. Kuiper is absolutely horrified, because only magical weapons should have been able to wound the boy, and we found no such things on the orcs. We head back to Kuiper’s, Olan gets pissed off that we’re not Druids and leaves us to track the orcs on her own. She fails.
- Thurmaster runs into a giant problem. Does this have anything to do with anything? We have no idea. This was ultimately resolved, but we don’t know if it was isolated.
- Goblins and the New Mire of magical origin around Milbourne. Again, we ultimately resolved this problem and think that we’ve come up with a decent resolution, and it’s probably an isolated incident.
- The pilgrims in the moors north of Parlfrey’s keep getting kidnapped. We did not find the pilgrims, but we find find some dead guards, and also some three-headed wolves. The pilgrims were headed to some Sune temple.
- We got attacked by a bunch of bandits between Kuiper’s and Thurmaster. There was a priest with an eyepatch wearing chainmail and a hooded cloak that appears to be leading them. We eventually overcame the ambush, turned the tables and started killing the bandits, and finally moved in on the priest, but he SPROUTED WINGS AND FLEW AWAY AT FULL SPEED. WHAT THE HELL. We later find out something about a legend of an evil priest in an area nearby called the “Gleaming Glade”, which apparently has a lot of artifacts there or something. Is he a priest of Cyric? We have no idea.
- Enzeldrin.
- Reports of Orcs up by the mines, which we’ve never been to.
- The ancient home of the Parlfrey’s in the woods south of the Thornwood which, again, we’ve never been to but definitely sounds sketchy and worth checking out (Orc home base? More Cyric priests?)
- The crypt. Way, way bigger than expected, lots of strange magical creatures and other things down here.
- Tomb robbers. Acting alone, or involved with Cyric/kidnappings? We have no idea, we murdered the only lead we had.